I should be excited about this, right? I should be thrilled, overwhelmed with joy! But for some reason this “first” Mother’s Day seems a little haunting to me.
Last year I wrote a poem right around this time about how much I longed to be a mother, how I would be a mother no matter what it took. Now I am a mother…a kind of mother, anyway. But what kind of mother am I?
It would be easy for me to go on and on about all the guilty feelings and selfish longings that are burdening my heart, but that’s not really what this post is about.

My life isn’t anything close to a fairy tale, but that kind of sounds like one to me (minus the laundry).
Of course, today was my “day off.” Perhaps my life would be
a little more like this if I was a stay at home mom more than one day a week…but
probably not, right?

But what I think I need to learn from today is this, every
day there is plenty of good and plenty of bad, and most of the time it’s up to me to choose what
makes the day (sometimes there is more pain, sorrow, stress and true tragedy than can be overcome with a positive attitude, I don't want to fail to acknowledge that, but most days...). Furthermore, no matter how much bad there is, no matter how many
mistakes I make or how much guilt I feel, or how much I long for something
else, there are still plenty of opportunities to mother well, to love well, to be the kind of mother I want to be.
Today someone posted on Facebook one of those little word
art sayings, “UNTIL YOU’VE…counted little fingers, counted little toes, held a
little hand, kissed a little nose…YOU HAVEN’T KNOWN LOVE.” I have to admit it
made me angry (did they really have to put that last line in ALL CAPS!?), but it
also might have cured me of my Mother’s Day blues.
Because I HAVE known love. Infatuation with an adorable
infant in my arms, no, I haven’t had that privilege, but love, that I know.
Love is a choice, an action, a way of being. Love is really hard work.
The “love chapter” in 1 Corinthians was written for the
church, for the way we should all relate to one another, but it can also be used
as a good guide for what motherly (or any kind of) love is all about.Love is patient. (This is REALLY hard work!)
Love is kind. (This is tougher than it
sounds, much tougher than I thought it would be!)
Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant
It does not insist on its own way.
(Thankful for “Parenting With Love & Logic” on this one!)
It is not irritable or resentful. (Deep
breath…Those are tough ones for me, especially the first, but also the second.)
It does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but
rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things. (I really should meditate every
morning on this line alone.)
Love never fails.
This kind of love, this good, hard work
never fails. It matters. It makes a difference. It changes those whom you love
and it changes you.
I HAVE KNOWN LOVE, gosh darn it! I HAVE
LOVED! And I’m not always good at it, sometimes
I’m downright terrible, but there are moments when I love really well.
And there are days like today when I know
my boys feel loved because of the work I have done, when my time was well
spent, when there were lots of really great loving moments of motherhood.
So here’s what I’m going to do, and I hope
all of you mothers will do the same. I’m going to say goodbye to my guilt. I’m
going to acknowledge my pain and my longings but not let them have the last
word. And this Mother’s Day I am going to allow myself to feel good about the
ways I have loved well.
I want to try and hold onto this truth,
that love never fails.
I may not always cook delicious dinners, or
even cook at all. I may not always feel positive or enjoy the work of
motherhood. I may not ever get to be anybody’s “real” mom. I may not get to
mother the children I’m mothering now forever. I may not ever feel the certainty
I desire about who my children should be. I may not be the baking, carpooling,
party-throwing, volunteering, super soccer mom I always thought I would be...and
I may NEVER finish the laundry.
But every moment that I love is a moment of
success. Every act of unconditional, intentional love is something to be proud
of, and when I look at it that way it’s clear I do have much to celebrate on
this “first Mother’s Day.”
And also much to aspire to.
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.”
"But every moment that I love is a moment of success. Every act of unconditional, intentional love is something to be proud of..."
ReplyDeleteBest line of the post! Thanks for sharing.
"This kind of love, this good, hard work never fails. It matters. It makes a difference. It changes those whom you love and it changes you."
ReplyDeleteNo truer words. You're also right, you have known love and have loved. You are a mother.
Praying for you. Thanks for sharing.