Tuesday, January 4, 2011

About the Blog

I've always found fascinating the way grass will grow...up through the cracks of concrete or on top of a heap of trash and rubble. I see it as a reminder, a testimony, that life often pops up in the most broken and unlikely places.

I'm a pastor (just a rookie pastor, actually) in Dallas, TX. Our journey as a new church plant began in October of 2010. We're a community looking to see where the green grass is growing, where God is bringing life out of broken and unlikely places, so we can go and join in, maybe push some of the concrete away, clear some trash and rubble, maybe plant a tree, maybe even a garden. And yes, I'm speaking figuratively...we are young and we do care about being "green", and we've even helped plant a community garden, but this is not the heart of our mission. All around us there are people who are hurting, lonely, hungry, marginalized, and for them we want to be bearers of God's grace, peace, healing, and life.

On a personal level I'm married to a wonderful man named John. We don't have kids yet, but we do have two awesome dogs, Tank and Annabelle. We're also setting out on quite an adventure this year as we move in with John's mom, Sondra, and 16 year old sister, Logan. As challenging as this situation might be, I'll be keeping an eye out for that green grass. I know it will grow, it always does.

My intention for this blog is to create some space for reflection and to share stories about my journey.  I also hope it will help remind me, even when times are hard, to keep looking for where the green grass grows.